Although there were few if any realistic alternatives, the federal Liberal Party must have known it would be hamstrung by appointing Peter Dutton as leader (“Dutton still lost in the heartland”, July 20).
Dutton’s dour persona together with his inability to display any soft skills translates into carping negativity that Niki Savva identifies as a voter turnoff, particularly in seats now held by independents. Many would argue that Dutton’s background as a member of the Queensland police force was always going to be a handbrake for him to be able to understand and relate to the wider communities outside of Queensland.
In earlier times, political analysts like Savva would be reporting about factional divisions in the ALP. How times have changed with the Liberals apparently tearing themselves apart as Dutton attempts to impose his brand of conservatism across the party. Ross Butler, Rodd Point
The Prime Minister for Queensland.Credit: John Shakespeare
The election of Peter Dutton as Liberal leader and his subsequent performance in that role shows clearly that he and his party have no intention of being a constructive, centrist opposition but rather are moving, much like Republicans in the US, to the extremes of the right. Any observer of American politics will tell you that this is a road which has no place in the Australian landscape given the toxic partisan politics which inevitably result. We have had enough of “no” politics; it’s time for constructive opposition. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne
As always, Savva provides great insight into what’s happening in the relic formerly known as the Liberal Party. Dutton needs an intervention because he has lost sight of leading a viable opposition for all Australians. He campaigns in some parts of Queensland, but is never spotted in urban areas. He is a rare bird that only goes where he is loved. He believes he is still in government and acts according to the needs of his base, that same small base that lost the election. Wendy Atkins, Cooks Hill
The fact that the Liberal Party had to spend $600,000 to retain a blue ribbon seat in Queensland surely indicates its policies are not what the majority of electors want. To the average voter, it seems extraordinary that the Party’s solution to its loss in the last election is to disregard the issues that were important to the voters and lurch further to the right. With the purging of any moderates in pre-selections, the only people the party appear to be trying to win are One Nation voters. It seems Albanese and the teals can sit back and watch the Liberals self-destruct. Peter Nash, Fairlight
According to Savva, some sitting Liberal members can no longer be confident of their pre-selection. That means either the centre cannot hold, or there is no centre to hold the party together. I suspect the latter. Mark Porter, New Lambton
Underlying Savva’s dissection of Dutton the man is the inexplicable reality that the Liberal Party, by voting him in as their leader, learnt zero from their disastrous loss at the last federal election. Labor might only hope Dutton is not replaced before the next election; but even so, whether or not he remains at the helm, and given the Liberals’ predominant arch conservatism and negativity, Labor would be a shoo-in. Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay
Cost blowouts are normal for any government project
I agree with the commentary about project-costing and the now abandoned Victorian Commonwealth Games (“Games debacle is the point at which satire meets reality”, July 20).
From my observation over many decades, whenever a new infrastructure or similar project is announced, and a construction cost is mentioned, the final cost upon completion in most cases will end up as four or five times that cost. The phrases “cost blow-outs” or “over-runs” are usually hauled out to describe the culprit.
Whenever a new project is announced and a cost estimate is mentioned, I am of the view that the best way to arrive at what will be the final cost amount would be to double the announced estimate, then double it again and then add $500million, or even another $1 billion, for good measure. Remember the cost of the Sydney Opera House? Ken Bock, Carlingford
For all those concerned Dan Andrews has gilded the lily with his games costings and their authenticity, I simply point you in the direction of Snowy 2.0 or any recent Transport NSW project as proof such blowouts actually occur. Bob Cameron, Coffs Harbour
The Commonwealth Games Federation is further jeopardising the future of the games by pursuing the Victorian government for huge compensation (“Games authorities pursuing ‘hundreds of millions’ in compensation”, July 20). The problem made clear by the cancellation of Victoria is that infrastructure costs can spiral uncontrollably due to unforeseen circumstances to a point of unaffordability. The usual timeline is so long that the economic situation of the host as the games approach cannot be predicted. It is all becoming too difficult, too risky, and the games practically an untouchable proposition. In fact, the Queensland government may be next to realise its mistake as coal royalties collapse before the 2032 Olympics. Geoff Harding, Chatswood
They’re game.Credit: Matt Golding
The tough decision by the Victorian government to abandon running the Commonwealth Games may be a blessing. It does, however, come with a reputational cost to the staging of major sporting events in Australia, and particularly in Victoria. What is the future of such events as the Australian Grand Prix and the Australian Open? Is even the Melbourne Cup in danger? If so, is this to the wider public benefit? And is what has been deemed bad for the Victorian regional goose also bad for the Western Sydney gander? David Griffiths, Wollongong
There are numerous private schools that have Olympic pools, wonderful athletics tracks and more (Letters, July 20). Surely, the taxpayers could finally get a dividend for all the largesse we have unwillingly handed to these elite institutions by asking them to host the Games during the school holidays. They even have great accommodation. Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie
If the British wish to proceed with this celebration of their history of global conquest, it should be their responsibility to fund this anachronism that is the Empire Games. Charles Hargrave, Elizabeth Bay
Light rail has left a heavy toll
No, there is not, there never was, “a public benefit in development of the Sydney light rail” (“Judge finds light rail hurt small business”, July 20). There is immeasurable benefit to having George Street closed to car traffic, but the benefit would have been amplified had electric buses been put into use, rather than the incredibly intrusive construction of rail lines that needed ripping up the street for years on end, at a cost of billions. What on earth were they thinking? Carsten Burmeister, Mosman
Higher education standard
The so-called high-achieving universities still do not get it (“Unis face new levy on international student enrolments”, July 20). The lucrative international money stream is not there to prop up research – the illusory basis for status – and then resist providing quality face-to-face learning, by encouraging online courses post-COVID. On top of that, they continue to expand their domestic student numbers in business and law, which are cheap to run, but receive high government funding. All universities exist to benefit the whole community, hence equality in funding. Time to end this nonsense for the group of eight. Michael Blissenden, Dural
As a retired teacher, university invigilator and parent of two children – each of them with a university degree – can I say to Jason Clare that a university degree is not the “be-all” and “end-all”. Many of my ex-students with trade qualifications have done quite well without the overbearing HECS debt that burdens university graduates. I have also seen university students struggling with their subjects and wonder what their job prospects might be like in today’s competitive environment and then also have a burdening HECS debt looming. Let’s approach the issue of unequal access with some sensible guidelines and thoughts. Fay Semple, Bateau Bay
Know when to fold ’em
Although Helen Dalton and some other NSW MPs have the knack of being able to read the room (“MP pushing to fast-track pokie reforms”, July 20), we are in a truly sad and sorry state because other MPs either cannot or will not do likewise and back the Member for Murray. More strength to Dalton et al. Meanwhile, let’s not forget, the Whitlams provided the right response ages ago: “Blow up the pokies”. Col Shephard, Yamba
No problems
Conservative No campaigners, including the alternative PM, are busy demanding Voice supporters rule out recommendations about Australia Day, discussions about reparations and now a treaty (“Voice support will rebound, PM asserts”, July 20). It seems to me that, having claimed for years that there isn’t a unified Aboriginal position on these matters, their key objection to establishing a Voice is that it will authoritatively tell them things they don’t want to hear. Colin Stokes, Camperdown
School intentions
Let’s be honest about why we have schools (Letters, July 20). Schools have three main jobs: keeping tabs on where children are during gazetted school hours; socialising children according to the prevailing societal norms; and teaching them literacy and numeracy, at least. It is deceitful to lure people into getting qualifications as a teacher, give them employment as a teacher in a school, then expect them to be expert social workers/psychologists, adept at working with a class-size group, and at the same time attend to each individual child’s needs regarding their becoming literate and numerate. Penelope Layton-Caisley, Marrickville
Open plan classrooms have been shut downCredit: John Shakespeare
Your writer clearly knows what he is talking about, but it is worth looking back at how the current malaise began. The old teacher training colleges, which had performed with great success for decades, disappeared in the Dawkins reforms. They were replaced by tertiary degree courses that have simply failed to deliver the training and skills needed by teachers, as Adam Voigt’s experience shows. The only way to fix this is to reintroduce practical training for actual teaching, and forget about subjects like History of Education, which was of no benefit to Adam. John Lee, Bowral
Appoint of contention
Your writer points to a major issue with modern politics, at least as important as political donations, and that is the constant churn of people between political operatives, both MPs and staffers, and private businesses (“Real or perceived, cronyism shakes confidence in government”, July 20). Some use their connections to become lobbyists whereas others are just using their influence in the background. The relationships to current or past politicians that so many “appointments” both in and out of government have never ceased to amaze me. Brenton McGeachie, Queanbeyan West
Imperfect world
The Productivity Commission criticises government action to make Australia more self-sufficient when goods and services can be more efficiently provided from elsewhere (“Handouts ‘risk hurting living standards”’, July 20). Did they not notice recent world events such as the use of economic pressure from countries such as Russia and China to disrupt supply chains and restrict free international trading? Perhaps they need to update their economic thinking to embrace current realities. John Moyse, Dora Creek
Heritage heresy
The proposal for the Minerva site Potts Point including a mega hotel tower is a heritage heresy (“Old Sydney Theatre wins temporary reprieve from hotel development”, July 20). The interiors will not be restored to their original glory but will be butchered for another raucous anti-social nightclub in a dense urban area. How hotel guests will enter their rooms via the nightclub is a fundamental design flaw, along with serious over-development height breaches, and requires DA rejection. It is a continuum of our cancel culture. Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point
Artist impression of the new-look Minerva Hotel in Potts Point.Credit: CE Minerva
Influential epidemic
Your correspondent makes the excellent point that “increasingly, there has been a sense that the individual has the right to behave as they wish at the expense of others” (Letters, July 20). This comment reflects our creeping culture of venality. Large-scale unethical, often illegal behaviour is being revealed, perpetrated by so-called “leaders” in politics, business and the public service. We need ethical role models who govern for all. Individuals motivated by power, influence or personal gain exert a corrosive influence. The fish rots from the head down. Alison Stewart, Riverview
Power to the Matildas
Soccer is an amazing game (“Great expectations, but Matildas won’t buckle under the pressure: Kerr”, July 20). Add unpredictability, and it becomes intriguing. Enjoy the Matildas, enjoy the show. Mustafa Erem, Terrigal
All power to our Matildas in the World Cup spearheaded by captain Sam Kerr, arguably one of the best forwards of all time in women’s soccer. May they replicate the inspiring Cathy Freeman’s glorious moments of victory in the Sydney Olympics. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood
Full house
I love the cinema, but not the crowds. Bring back pandemic seating restrictions, I say (“Blockbusters to the rescue?”, July 20). Tim Schroder, Gordon
Last round
So, the Town and Country Hotel is finally closing its doors (“Last call for beer with Duncan and mates in St Peters”, July 20). Who is going to drink with me now? Ross Duncan, Potts Point
Climate crime
The heatwave currently gripping the Northern Hemisphere is already here, and has been for several years (Letters, July 20). If in doubt, come and spend a summer in western Sydney. Australia is on the frontline of climate change disaster. That’s a fact. That we are so tardy in our response is more than foolish, it is reprehensible, and amounts to criminal neglect. Meredith Williams, Northmead
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