Remarkable journey of wisdom and inspiration

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Remarkable journey of wisdom and inspiration

By Orly Miller

DEBBIE MASEL September 27, 1957-July 22, 2011

Debbie Masel, a shining light whose presence illuminated the lives of those fortunate enough to know her, left an indelible mark on the world through her profound wisdom, literary contributions, and unwavering commitment to spirituality. As we commemorate her passing, we celebrate the life and work of a remarkable woman who touched the hearts and minds of many.

Born into a family of distinguished lineage, Debbie’s roots were intertwined with the fabric of Australian history. As the great-niece of Sidney Myer, she inherited a legacy of community involvement and a spirit of exploration. Her grandfather, Alec Masel, and father, Geoffrey Masel, esteemed figures in the Australian legal community, instilled in her a deep respect for justice, compassion, and intellectual pursuits.

Debbie’s life was characterised by her embrace of her heritage and a pursuit of knowledge. She embarked on an educational journey, attending schools in Melbourne, New York, and London. These experiences broadened her horizons, fostering her insatiable curiosity and exposing her to a wide range of cultures, perspectives, and ideas.

In her final year at Taylor’s College, amid the challenges of constant relocation, Debbie’s resilience and determination shone brightly as she emerged as the top graduate of her class. This achievement was a testament to her unwavering commitment to education and personal growth.

From an early age, Debbie’s passion for writing was evident, laying the foundation for her future literary endeavours. Her novels, The Maisonettes and The Company of Words, captivated readers with their engaging narratives that explored the intricacies of the human experience.

Debbie’s impact extended far beyond the pages of her novels. She shared her insights and reflections through her regular contributions to The Sunday Age’s Faith column, where she delved into matters of spirituality, ethics, and the human condition. Her words offered solace, guidance, and thought-provoking perspectives to readers of all walks of life.

Debbie’s role as a book reviewer for The Age allowed her to share her passion for literature and provide invaluable recommendations to a wide audience.

Debbie’s literary contributions encompassed a diverse range of works, including her role as the editor of Esh Kodesh, where she curated a collection of writings that offered profound insights into the human experience.

Her works In the Cleft of the Rock: Writings on the Five Books of Moses and Soul to Soul: Writings from Dark Places delved into the depths of religious and personal introspection. Through these books, she explored the transformative power of faith, offering solace and inspiration in times of darkness.


Debbie’s impact was not limited to the realm of the written word. As a celebrated teacher of mysticism, she guided countless individuals on a path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Her teachings illuminated the hidden realms of wisdom, providing a source of inspiration and transformation for all those fortunate enough to be in her presence.

Her children are David, who is a lawyer and father of Ariel and Samuel; Orly, who is a psychologist and mother of Aluna and Elijah; and Ben, co-founder of Luminate Psychology with Orly.

Debbie died before the birth of her grandchildren.

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