Review ordered for care system of Qld’s vulnerable kids

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Review ordered for care system of Qld’s vulnerable kids

By Nick Gibbs

The residential care system housing Queensland’s most vulnerable children will undergo a review as the government responds to reports of abuse and neglect.

Child Safety Minister Craig Crawford has called for a review into residential care failings.

Child Safety Minister Craig Crawford has called for a review into residential care failings.Credit: Dan Peled/AAP

Child Safety Minister Craig Crawford ordered the wide-ranging review on Monday and says it will canvas experts, advocates and frontline staff before reporting back later in 2023.

“I’m deeply concerned by reports of alleged criminal behaviour, abuse and neglect in the residential care system,” he said in a statement.

“I encourage any care worker who is worried to immediately report any criminal activity to the Queensland Police Service.”

Queensland Families and Children’s Commissioner Luke Twyford will also be contacted by the minister to oversee the work of the review before reporting back independently.

“I’ve particularly asked for a focus on how children aged under 12, First Nations children, and disabled children are handled by the state’s residential care system,” Crawford said.

The Liberal National opposition dismissed the internal review as a box-ticking exercise designed to deflect government responsibility.

Confirmation of the review came the day after opposition leader David Crisafulli put repairing the child safety system on the agenda during a speech at the Liberal National Party’s convention.

“For eight years this government watched the child safety system decay, while vulnerable children were at risk, and did nothing,” LNP child safety spokeswoman Amanda Camm said on Monday.


Acting Premier Steven Miles said the opposition was using “the tragedy of these children’s lives” for their own political advantage.

Miles acknowledged a shortage of foster carers meant relying on residential care providers contracted by the government.

He said all the children in their care had experienced tragedy in their lives and disputed suggestions of a significant overlap with youth crime.

“The fact is that of all of the children under the care of child safety, just four per cent are also youth offenders,” he told reporters.

Crisafulli said the system was contributing to youth crime, stating 58 per cent of children interacting with youth justice had a recent history with child safety.

“The state government is the biggest parent in the state with over 1700 kids in out-of-home residential care,” he said.

“Together with the best minds, we will chart a course designed to repair Queensland’s broken residential care system and start giving these kids a chance at a decent life.”


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