Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman defiant in the face of Islamic State threats

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This was published 6 years ago

Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman defiant in the face of Islamic State threats

By Rachel Olding

A western Sydney sheikh placed in the crosshairs of Islamic State has defiantly vowed to continue his work and says he is "unconcerned" by threats on his life.

Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, who works with young people to steer them away from crime, was one of three Australian Muslim leaders named in an Islamic State propaganda video released on Sunday night.

Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman is featured in the Islamic State video giving a sermon in which he dismantles the idea that violent extremism will get a person to heaven.

Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman is featured in the Islamic State video giving a sermon in which he dismantles the idea that violent extremism will get a person to heaven.

The terrorist group called on its followers to kill the trio and other Muslim leaders worldwide because they had discouraged violence in the name of Islam and encouraged people to follow the laws of the land.

The Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, and the NSW Police Force chaplain Sheikh Ahmed Abdo were criticised in the video for working with government and police.

The Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, is pictured in the Islamic State video shaking hands with inter-faith advocate and Anglican minister Father Rod Bowers.

The Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, is pictured in the Islamic State video shaking hands with inter-faith advocate and Anglican minister Father Rod Bowers.

Sheikh Shady responded on Tuesday, saying he was not surprised that Islamic State labelled him "an apostate" and called on followers to "murder me".

"[It] confirms in no uncertain terms, that the beliefs, teachings, and ideology of this group, ISIS, are not in harmony with the religion of Islam," he said.

"Many Australian imams, including myself, have publicly denounced and preached against the hateful and murderous teachings of ISIS - stating publicly on countless occasions that the ISIS way is not the Islamic way.

"I am heartened to hear that ISIS themselves agree - confirming that mainstream Islam, which the vast majority of the world's Muslims adhere to, is not what they preach and the recent video is a big proof of that."

Police chaplain Sheikh Ahmed Abdo (centre) features in the Islamic State video alongside Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione and the Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed.

Police chaplain Sheikh Ahmed Abdo (centre) features in the Islamic State video alongside Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione and the Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed.

He said he was undeterred in his mission to teach and practice "true Islamic teachings" and the principles of humanitarianism, including sharia's teaching to respect and abide by the laws of the land you live in.

"As for the threats on my life - I am unconcerned," he said.

"I have complete faith and trust in almighty Allah (God), who will choose a suitable time, place, and method of my departure from this world. This is a matter for Allah (God), over which, no one else has authority."

The video, which mentioned several Muslim clerics from around the world, was a chilling and unprecedented escalation on previous calls to boycott leaders who work with governments, police and leaders of other faiths.

The terrorist group also condemned clerics from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern states, who are seen to be collaborating with the regimes of those states.

It followed an article published in the April edition of Islamic State's Dabiq magazine that listed 21 "imams of kufr [infidelity]" who should be killed, including Australian doctor and charity worker Tawfique Chowdhury.


Previous criticisms of Sheikh Shady and the Grand Mufti have been parroted by a small band of extremists in Australia.

A NSW Police spokesman said they were aware of the video but would not comment on safety precautions for its chaplain.

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