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Champion athlete Peter Bol hung out to dry by sports administrators
Peter Bol

Champion athlete Peter Bol hung out to dry by sports administrators

Confidence in Australia’s anti-doping processes have been shattered after the treatment of middle-distance runner Peter Bol.

  • The Herald's View


Sport minister urges WADA to prioritise doping review after Bol case

Sport minister urges WADA to prioritise doping review after Bol case

Australia’s sport minister has called on the World Anti-Doping Agency to prioritise its review of EPO testing to remove ambiguity for athletes, after Olympian Peter Bol was sensationally cleared.

  • by Michael Gleeson
Athletics Australia demands answers over the treatment of Peter Bol

Athletics Australia demands answers over the treatment of Peter Bol

Australian runner Peter Bol has been officially cleared of doping by Sport Integrity Australia. His previous ban was lifted because of an inconclusive result. 

  • by Michael Gleeson
Why wrongly accused Peter Bol deserves an apology

Why wrongly accused Peter Bol deserves an apology

Bol has been cleared, but his accusers have not. There are now a litany of questions federal sports minister Anika Wells must answer.

  • by Michael Gleeson
Peter Bol has finally been cleared of doping, but he deserves answers about his treatment

Peter Bol has finally been cleared of doping, but he deserves answers about his treatment

The Australian middle-distance runner was the victim of a botched investigation by anti-doping authorities.

  • by Andrew Webster
Deng breaks Bol’s Australian 800m record in France

Deng breaks Bol’s Australian 800m record in France

Joseph Deng clocked one minute 43.99 seconds at a meet in France overnight, shaving 0.01s from Peter Bol’s benchmark.

  • by Steve Larkin
This athlete has 12 shot put and hammer throw titles. So why was she running the hurdles?

This athlete has 12 shot put and hammer throw titles. So why was she running the hurdles?

Jolien Maliga Boumkwo stepped over each hurdle rather than jumping, as she managed to clock in a time of 32.81 seconds.

Meet the rising para-athletics star with a triple Olympian in her corner

Meet the rising para-athletics star with a triple Olympian in her corner

Melinda Gainsford-Taylor had never coached a para-athlete before. That was until she met Mali Lovell, who has just made her first Australian team.

  • by Tom Decent