Stephen Bartholomeusz | The Sydney Morning Herald

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Stephen Bartholomeusz is one of Australia’s most respected business journalists. He was most recently co-founder and associate editor of the Business Spectator website and an associate editor and senior columnist at The Australian.

The $2.8 trillion question: America is hunting for cash, but there’s a bit of a problem

The $2.8 trillion question: America is hunting for cash, but there’s a bit of a problem

The US is going to put trillions worth of new debt up for sale before the end of the year as it tries to rebuild its cash reserves. There is an issue, however.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz


The US just paid a heavy price for Washington’s poison

The US just paid a heavy price for Washington’s poison

The historic credit rating downgrade shines a light on how America’s bitterly divided, dysfunctional politics is playing a key role in its deteriorating financial position.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
China’s big solution is missing a vital ingredient

China’s big solution is missing a vital ingredient

How Beijing manages the efforts to revive the faltering economy matters for commodity producers like Australia.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The world is watching Japan very closely

The world is watching Japan very closely

What the Bank of Japan does matters for all of us. So Friday’s surprise announcement by its governor sent a jolt through markets and left them wondering what is next.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The US just left Australia and the rest of the world hanging

The US just left Australia and the rest of the world hanging

There are two big questions that the US Federal Reserve didn’t answer. It means interest rates might stay higher for longer than we feared.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
China abandons Xi’s policies as alarm bells start to ring

China abandons Xi’s policies as alarm bells start to ring

China is starting to realise that Xi Jinping’s abrupt policy shifts may not have been such good things after all.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Elon Musk just doubled down on his deluded plan for world domination

Elon Musk just doubled down on his deluded plan for world domination

Elon Musk’s eccentric, erratic and impulsive behaviour has helped make Twitter a disaster on many fronts. His latest gamble is part of a bigger plan.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The world is scrambling to take back control of a risky technology

The world is scrambling to take back control of a risky technology

The sheer speed at which artificial intelligence has advanced has governments around the world scrambling to regulate a technology that carries as many risks to society as it does opportunities.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Evergrande offers an ugly view into China’s property woes

Evergrande offers an ugly view into China’s property woes

China’s authorities have only two options for dealing with the country’s distressed property sector: They can let it bleed out over time or accept a nasty hit to the economy.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The food weapon: Putin eyes windfall after walking away from deal

The food weapon: Putin eyes windfall after walking away from deal

Vladimir Putin’s decision has global implications for the food industry and could deliver a much-needed boost to Russia’s dwindling coffers.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Common prosperity? Xi has to redefine China’s goals as economy falters

Common prosperity? Xi has to redefine China’s goals as economy falters

China’s economic growth rate fell below 1 per cent in the June quarter, and its leaders seem bereft of ideas to reignite growth.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz